Abide | Abode/Abided | Abode/Abided/Abidden | Abides | Abiding |
Alight | Alit/Alighted | Alit/Alighted | Alights | Alighting |
Arise | Arose | Arisen | Arises | Arising |
Awake | Awoke | Awoken | Awakes | Awaking |
Be pelet jarak jauh | Was/Were | Been | Is | Being |
Bear | Bore | Born/Borne | Bears | Bearing |
Beat | Beat | Beaten | Beats | Beating |
Become | Became | Become | Becomes | Becoming |
Begin | Began | Begun | Begins | Beginning |
Behold | Beheld | Beheld | Beholds | Beholding |
Bend | Bent | Bent | Bends | Bending |
Bet | Bet | Bet | Bets | Betting |
Bid | Bade | Bidden | Bids | Bidding |
Bid | Bid | Bid | Bids | Bidding |
Bind | Bound | Bound | Binds | Binding |
Bite | Bit | Bitten | Bites | Biting |
Bleed | Bled | Bled | Bleeds | Bleeding |
Blow | Blew | Blown | Blows | Blowing |
Break | Broke | Broken | Breaks | Breaking |
Breed | Bred | Bred | Breeds | Breeding |
Bring | Brought | Brought | Brings | Bringing |
Broadcast | Broadcast/Broadcasted | Broadcast/Broadcasted | Broadcasts | Broadcasting |
Build | Built | Built | Builds | Building |
Burn | Burnt/Burned | Burnt/Burned | Burns | Burning |
Burst | Burst | Burst | Bursts | Bursting |
Bust | Bust | Bust | Busts | Busting |
Buy | Bought | Bought | Buys | Buying |
Cast | Cast | Cast | Casts | Casting |
Catch | Caught | Caught | Catches | Catching |
Choose | Chose | Chosen | Chooses | Choosing |
Clap | Clapped/Clapt | Clapped/Clapt | Claps | Clapping |
Cling | Clung | Clung | Clings | Clinging |
Clothe | Clad/Clothed | Clad/Clothed | Clothes | Clothing |
Come | Came | Come | Comes | Coming |
Cost | Cost | Cost | Costs | Costing |
Creep | Crept | Crept | Creeps | Creeping |
Cut | Cut | Cut | Cuts | Cutting |
Dare | Dared/Durst | Dared | Dares | Daring |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt | Deals | Dealing |
Dig | Dug | Dug | Digs | Digging |
Dive | Dived/Dove | Dived | Dives | Diving |
Do | Did | Done | Does | Doing |
Draw | Drew | Drawn | Draws | Drawing |
Dream | Dreamt/Dreamed | Dreamt/Dreamed | Dreams | Dreaming |
Drink | Drank | Drunk | Drinks | Drinking |
Drive | Drove | Driven | Drives | Driving |
Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt | Dwells | Dwelling |
Eat | Ate | Eaten | Eats | Eating |
Fall | Fell | Fallen | Falls | Falling |
Feed | Fed | Fed | Feeds | Feeding |
Feel | Felt | Felt | Feels | Feeling |
Fight | Fought | Fought | Fights | Fighting |
Find | Found | Found | Finds | Finding |
Fit | Fit/Fitted | Fit/Fitted | Fits | Fitting |
Flee | Fled | Fled | Flees | Fleeing |
Fling | Flung | Flung | Flings | Flinging |
Fly | Flew | Flown | Flies | Flying |
Forbid | Forbade/Forbad | Forbidden | Forbids | Forbidding |
Forecast | Forecast/Forecasted | Forecast/Forecasted | Forecasts | Forecasting |
Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen | Foresees | Foreseeing |
Foretell | Foretold | Foretold | Foretells | Foretelling |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | Forgets | Foregetting |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven | Forgives | Forgiving |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken | Forsakes | Forsaking |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen | Freezes | Freezing |
Frostbite | Frostbit | Frostbitten | Frostbites | Frostbiting |
Get | Got | Got/Gotten | Gets | Getting |
Give | Gave | Given | Gives | Giving |
Go | Went | Gone/Been | Goes | Going |
Grind | Ground | Ground | Grinds | Grinding |
Grow | Grew | Grown | Grows | Growing |
Handwrite | Handwrote | Handwritten | Handwrites | Handwriting |
Hang | Hung/Hanged | Hung/Hanged | Hangs | Hanging |
Have | Had | Had | Has | Having |
Hear | Heard | Heard | Hears | Hearing |
Hide | Hid | Hidden | Hides | Hiding |
Hit | Hit | Hit | Hits | Hitting |
Hold | Held | Held | Holds | Holding |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | Hurts | Hurting |
Inlay | Inlaid | Inlaid | Inlays | Inlaying |
Input | Input/Inputted | Input/Inputted | Inputs | Inputting |
Interlay | Interlaid | Interlaid | Interlays | Interlaying |
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